Improve kitchen health & revitalize your (family) health

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Real Pure and Natural Kitchen : Add Natural flavors for healthy living.


“Natural flavours for healthy living”


Improve kitchen health & revitalize your (family) health
The kitchen is the heart of every home, but it can also be a source of hidden toxins that harm our health. The good news is that you can improve kitchen health and revitalize your family's well-being by making a few changes.

Natural Farming and Natural Food

Feel the real taste of nature

Gurukul Indian Education

Gurukul: An Indian system of education that uplifts the whole life.

Business opportunities Natural Food Distribution

Natural kitchen and natural food distribution system

Natural Health Therapy

Best natural therapies from our Ayurvedic, Homeopathy and Naturopathy doctors.

Help & Support

Free feel to contact
+91 828-690-2321

Awareness : Kojagar

Training for all but specially women about basic aspects of medical, pharmaceutical & agricultural sciences, dietary aspects, cow science, martial arts, and spiritual upliftment using yoga. This System is for people aspiring to live a holistic, natural, and healthy life. Intention is to create awareness & enhance people's dietary habits and spiritual consciousness (of self and children). Ultimate goal is to create a prosperous India via training ourselves and transforming our children into a healthy, educated & spiritually aware generation.

Why Us?

Kitchen Kinetics Logo

100% Provide
Natural Kitchen Solution

We can help you and your family achieve a healthier lifestyle through the use of natural and wholesome products in your kitchen. By avoiding harmful additives and incorporating natural ingredients, you can improve your overall health and well-being. With my guidance, you can make these changes in your daily routine and start your journey towards natural wellness. Let's work together towards a healthier and happier future for you and your loved ones.

Natural Farm Food

100 % Provide
Natural Farming

100% Naturally Grown,
No Pesticides or Chemicals Used,
Desi seeds (Indigenous Seeds)-No GMO,
Unrefined & Unpolished,
No Artificial Preservatives,
Boosts Up immunity naturally,
High Micronutrients Value,
Not Hybrid, Not Genetic Modification,
More shelf Life compare to chemical and organic = More Healthy.

100% Natural Farming

100% Natural Farming

We follow crop rotation practice i.e. we grow different types of crops in the same field so that crops help each other by natural nitrogen fixation. Soil nutrients get naturally exchanged through a process known as Symbiosis (सहजीवन). The seeds we use are also indigenous, and are not genetically modified

Our Satisfied Family

Our Family
Direct interaction with Doctors, Chemists, Ayurvedic वैद्यजी, Health Scientists about our health issues.
Seminars: Schools, Banks, Corporates, Farms, Clinics and Homes on Food, Kitchen and Cosmatics Toxicity.
Physical Visits: Village, Taluka, State together to know the different system and health system in the country.
Farm visits are conducted to study various farming methods like Organic Farming, Chemical Farming, and natural farming.
Has conceptualised the development and availability of more than 75 kinds of Natural Farm Grains, Pulses, Cooking Oils, Spices, Natural millet, Natural Vegetables, Natural Fruits, Natural Sweets, Natural Snacks, Natural Food Recipes, and Natural cosmetic products.
Having 13 years of hands-on personal experience, I've thoroughly explored and observed various aspects of Allopathy, Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Naturopathy, and Panchagavya, providing me with a comprehensive understanding of their respective strengths and weaknesses
Active participation for 7 years: in the toxin-free food and natural farming movement.
Self trained in natural farming training camp of Padmashri Subhash Pallekar Guruji
Organizing Natural Farming Training Camp of Padmashri Subhash Pallekar Guruji.
(संकल्प) Resolved to build a natural and scientific system for a prosperous India.
Sammvridha bharat

Swagram (स्वग्राम): गांव आत्मनिर्भर तो देश आत्मनिर्भर

Project under in Swagram


Natural farm visits, Natural farming, Swagram

Swagram seeding
Natural Farming preparation
Five days residential camp of natural farming
Natural farm visit


“I recently purchased turmeric from Santosh Marke and was blown away by the quality and freshness of the product. The moment I opened the package, I was greeted with a strong, earthy aroma that was unlike anything I had ever smelled before. When I used it as a spice in my dishes, the taste was superb and added a depth of flavor that I had been missing. I highly recommend Santosh Marke’s natural food products to anyone looking for high-quality, pure ingredients.”
Mohammed Haque


I met with Mr. Marke and eat Natural food for 10 days. All i can say that it's so nourishing, tasty and all good about it is i felt too light and full for all day. There is huge difference between food we eat then what Mr. Marke says. Agree 💯👍
Dr. Nayana Patel
Ahamadabad, Gujrat


"प्राकृतिक विधि से उगाया हुआ अनाज एवं सब्जियां मानव जीवन के लिए बहुत ही हितकारी है, हां हम प्राकृतिक फसले पैदा करने वाले किसान जरूर है परंतु सभी प्रकार की फसलें हम नहीं पैदा कर सकते इसके लिए बहुत सारे किसान भाइयों ने अलग अलग से फसलें पैदा करनी होगी, हमें अपने देश को सशक्त निरोगी एवं निरामय बनाना है तो यह प्रयास बहुत कारगर होने वाला है यह विष मुक्त भोजन ग्रहण करने से मानव की आयु तो बढ़ेगी ही और विकार भी कुछ नहीं होंगे, देसी गौ माता के गोबर से बनाया हुआ खाद एवं गोमूत्र प्रयोग कर हम आज भी बहुत सारी सब्जियां एवं अनाज उगाते हैं , संतोष जी आपके कार्य के मैं बहुत-बहुत शुभकामनाएं देना चाहता हूं माता भगवती प्रकृति आप को पूर्णता आशीष प्रदान करेगी"
भगवान चौधरी


Subhash Palekar

पद्मश्री सुभाष पालेकर गुरुजी

Founder of SPK (Subhash Palekar Krushi) Natural Agricultural scientist, farmer, author

Vd. Suvinay Damale

वैद्य सुविनय दामले गुरुजी

Ayurvedacharya (आयुर्वेदाचार्य)

Dr Sadanand Desai

डॉ. सदानंद देसाई

Homeopathy consultant

Dr. Vaishnavi Walunj

डॉ. वैष्णवी वाळूंज

BNYS, B pharm, N.I.C.E. & W.I.S.E. Expert, EPM, Vibration, Neurotherapist, NLP, ILI.
Advance Nutrition & Dietician
(Lincoln University, Malaysia)

Dr Jitendra

डॉ. जितेंद्र वाळूंज

BNYS, ND, DNHE, EPM, Nice Wise Expert, BSS-CNF, Vibration Therapy Expert,
Zero Volt Therapy Expert

Dr Pradip

डॉ. प्रदीप जाधव

Homeopathy consultant

About Us


This website is for people aspiring to live a holistic, natural, and healthy life. Intention is to increase people’s awareness levels and enhance their dietary habits and levels of spiritual consciousness (of self as well as of our future generations i.e. our children).

Ultimate goal is to create a prosperous India via training ourselves and also transforming our children into a new healthy, educated, and a physically/ spiritually aware generation.

Via this wesite, we will share our learnings and experiences about natural & scientifically-sound systems that can make our lives more happy and healthy.

These systems include knowledge about natural kitchens, natural agriculture, natural food/ recipes, Gurukul system of education, training for women about basic aspects of medical, pharmaceutical & agricultural sciences, dietary aspects, cow science, martial arts, and spiritual upliftment using yog.

Via knowledge-sharing sessions, we aim to enlighten your perspective about using “food itself as a medicine”.

Our dream is to realize “Swagram” – a model for creating self-reliant villages (and India). 

– Santosh Marke

Natural Health & Wellness Expert. 

Founder of Sammvriddha Bharat Pariwar.

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